Hunting Life

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As a way for me to mentor local youths, I became the Junior Members President of The LaGrange Hunting and Fishing Club. My goal as The Junior Members President is to get more kids into the outdoors and teach them things like how to safely handle and use archery equipment as well as firearms; in addition to other things like going hunting, fishing and camping. At membership meetings I’m given time to talk about my competitions, and I’m allowed to raffle off items I get from my local supporters and industry partners to help raise more money for my competition travel expenses.
So Jace, why do you hunt?I think hunting is important because it is a way that you can survive if something goes wrong with the world more than it already has. And I think it is cool being able to eat something you hunted yourself instead of getting it from a store.
What do you hunt?I have hunted deer, turkey, pheasant and squirrel. I have not got a turkey or squirrel yet; but I know how to field dress deer, pheasant and squirrel.
Why do you hunt what you hunt?I hunt what I do mostly because that is what conservation / hunting clubs and the ODNR have for special youth hunts. I hunt anywhere I can because we do not have our own hunting land and the public hunting land by us is not very good. I use to hunt at a motocross track we were members of, but when we stopped racing we couldn't hunt there anymore since we weren't members, but that is where I got my first deer at. And someone I met from archery that had land with deer and turkey let me hunt his land because he was impressed with me. What is your most memorable hunt? When my dad took me deer hunting before school on my 10th birthday and I got a 7 point buck and then I got to miss school. When did you first start hunting? When I was 3 months old I was taken to a pheasant hunt, then once I got older I tagged along sometimes with my dad. I passed my hunter safety course when I was 9 and started hunting that year too. What hunts stand out to you where you didn't get anything? There was an ODNR youth muzzleloader hunt near Columbus Ohio that me and my dad went on and we both froze and didn't see any deer or any signs of deer. And a deer hunt when a branch hit me in the eye when we were looking for a new spot to sit in. And the first time I went turkey hunting and I just missed the turkey at 40 yards with my compound bow. What do you hunt with?I hunt a lot with my shotguns and crossbow. I hunted once with my compound bow and haven't yet with my rifle but I really want to. I really want to get something with my compound bow.
What kind of hunting do you want to try that you haven't yet?I was offered the chance to go bear hunting at a professional archers property, hopefully my dad can make that happen. I would like to try hog hunting since I like bacon a lot and I would like to try rabbit hunting and maybe duck too. Who do you mostly hunt with? I like to hunt with my dad, he teaches me a lot and trusts me not to do anything stupid. What have you been told about how you hunt? That I am very quiet and patient and remember things my dad tells me. And I figure things out on my own like when I tracked and found my first deer that my dad couldn't find for me. Who would you like to hunt with that you haven't and why? There are a couple PSE pros that I would like to hunt with since we talk hunting at tournaments. And I would of liked to have got to hunt with my dad's grandfather since my dad says he would of been so proud to hunt with me, but he died before I was even born.
What do you hunt?I have hunted deer, turkey, pheasant and squirrel. I have not got a turkey or squirrel yet; but I know how to field dress deer, pheasant and squirrel.
Why do you hunt what you hunt?I hunt what I do mostly because that is what conservation / hunting clubs and the ODNR have for special youth hunts. I hunt anywhere I can because we do not have our own hunting land and the public hunting land by us is not very good. I use to hunt at a motocross track we were members of, but when we stopped racing we couldn't hunt there anymore since we weren't members, but that is where I got my first deer at. And someone I met from archery that had land with deer and turkey let me hunt his land because he was impressed with me. What is your most memorable hunt? When my dad took me deer hunting before school on my 10th birthday and I got a 7 point buck and then I got to miss school. When did you first start hunting? When I was 3 months old I was taken to a pheasant hunt, then once I got older I tagged along sometimes with my dad. I passed my hunter safety course when I was 9 and started hunting that year too. What hunts stand out to you where you didn't get anything? There was an ODNR youth muzzleloader hunt near Columbus Ohio that me and my dad went on and we both froze and didn't see any deer or any signs of deer. And a deer hunt when a branch hit me in the eye when we were looking for a new spot to sit in. And the first time I went turkey hunting and I just missed the turkey at 40 yards with my compound bow. What do you hunt with?I hunt a lot with my shotguns and crossbow. I hunted once with my compound bow and haven't yet with my rifle but I really want to. I really want to get something with my compound bow.
What kind of hunting do you want to try that you haven't yet?I was offered the chance to go bear hunting at a professional archers property, hopefully my dad can make that happen. I would like to try hog hunting since I like bacon a lot and I would like to try rabbit hunting and maybe duck too. Who do you mostly hunt with? I like to hunt with my dad, he teaches me a lot and trusts me not to do anything stupid. What have you been told about how you hunt? That I am very quiet and patient and remember things my dad tells me. And I figure things out on my own like when I tracked and found my first deer that my dad couldn't find for me. Who would you like to hunt with that you haven't and why? There are a couple PSE pros that I would like to hunt with since we talk hunting at tournaments. And I would of liked to have got to hunt with my dad's grandfather since my dad says he would of been so proud to hunt with me, but he died before I was even born.
2019:• Passed Ohio Department of Natural Resources Boating Safety Course
2018:• LHFC – Elected Junior Members President
2017:• 1st Deer (Amherst, OH)• 1st Pheasant (LaGrange, OH)
2016:• Passed Ohio Department of Natural Resources Hunter Safety Course
2015:• Joined Lagrange Hunting & Fishing Club (Lagrange, OH) - Jr Member
2017:• 1st Deer (Amherst, OH)• 1st Pheasant (LaGrange, OH)
2016:• Passed Ohio Department of Natural Resources Hunter Safety Course
2015:• Joined Lagrange Hunting & Fishing Club (Lagrange, OH) - Jr Member